Loving Vincent and Mathematically Awakened Art

A few days ago, I watched this movie called Loving Vincent, and the visual beauty of the movie blew me away.

loving vincent.gif

259 artists over a five year stretch painted every single frame of the film. This was a project of passion and the passion brought Van Gogh’s paintings to life, each second a visual heartbeat for the film.

But this isn’t a movie review blog. I do numbers. Of course, there’s no replacement for the passion and artistry that it took to create a work of art like Loving Vincent. However, I did want to see there were a way to better bring paintings and artwork to life mathematically.

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BFGS, Optimization, and Burritos

Hey ya’ll. Hope your summer is going well! In the season of peaches and watermelon, it’s easy to take things for granted. No one has experienced this more than the optimization algorithms used in, well, just about every single machine learning and computational problem.

I thought, for this post, I would dive into one of the classics: the Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno algorithm, also known as BFGS, named after these ballers right here.

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