2 Sides of the Same Coin: Residual Blocks and Gradient Boosting

No fun backstory for this post. These things are just cool and important in machine learning. Turns out they are very algorithmically similar. So I’ll explain how 🙂

Residual Blocks Review:

A residual block in a neural network is defined by the presence of skip layers, as seen in the id(Hk-1) connection in figure (1). These skip layers represent the addition of a layer i-k so some layer i . These blocks reduce the effect of vanishing gradients, and enable the development of much deep neural networks. This architecture enabled Microsoft to win the 2015 ImageNet challenge, and residual blocks have become a staple of deep neural networks.

Image result for resnet block
Resnet Block | Credit: Andrew Ng

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Bad Optimizers, Black Boxes, and Why Neural Networks sometimes seem just Backwards-ass Lucky

Woah! TensorFlow! Neural Networks! Convolutionation Recurrent Deep Learned Blockchain Etherium Network. Where’s the line start??

How much can I spend?

Okay, maybe the last one isn’t actually a thing (for all I know). But there is currently a lot of hype and excitement around deep learning, and for good reason. Neural networks have provided a number of improvements in performance, and specific fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, and machine translation have been genuinely revolutionized by deep learning.

With that said, this will be Part 1 of the Grind my Gears series, where I will be talking about Deep Learning issues that just really grind my gears. This will be a less mathematic post than usual, but I will link to resources to dive in deeper if you are interested. With that said, let us begin:

Continue reading “Bad Optimizers, Black Boxes, and Why Neural Networks sometimes seem just Backwards-ass Lucky”